The origin of Nova Puppet

Perhaps one of my best digital paintings is Nova Puppet. The program I used to make it with a little practice allows you to create great works, as I believe in this case, but if you lose your hand it becomes a bit more difficult, since it is not the best of digital graphics programs, even if it has a lot of potential.

One of the features that can help is being able to use an image as a guide, which I have often used with some hand-made works.

I had a hand-drawn drawing using china ink and drawing pen, done a few years earlier, around 2012, and which I digitally redrawn using the original as a guide. In the process I took the opportunity to make some changes. I also used a different technique from the usual one that I use with digital, without erasing anything leaving some inaccuracy or adjusting it by going over it, which makes it seem almost more like a painting or something sketched in speed and then redefined.

On the official gallery of the program you can see the entire creation process as if it were a video. You can also move the layers minimally simulating the 3D effect that you would have if you were viewing with a 3DS or compatible device.

Over time I have also experimented with some drawings the negative effect, something that I have always liked, but that hardly makes it well, this is one of the cases in which the drawing is beautiful even in a negative version.